Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Have you seen the new coupons at Devoto/Geant/Disco?

The Devoto/Disco/Geant supermarket chain has started issuing coupons every time you shop.  Over the past two weeks I have used my coupons to get $150 off every $1,500 spent.  Not to mention that I still get my usual 5% discount just by shopping on Tuesdays and having a points card.  Today's savings..almost $700!  Now that is nothing to sniff at!

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Where can you find a great wood furniture maker?

I had a desk made by Trio Diseno en Madero and am very happy with the finished product and the service of this company.  I would highly recommend them.

Trio Diseno en Madero

Thursday, 22 September 2016

What is Heritage Weekend in Uruguay?

Heritage Weekend is a weekend when specific buildings/museums/sites are open to the public.  Most of the buildings would not otherwise be open to the public or during the weekend may include to access to back-of-house areas. The buildings include unique examples of architecture through the ages and gives people the chance to discover why some Uruguayans sites deserve the distinction of Unesco rankings.

Heritage Weekend this year is on 1st and 2nd October.  

You can find more information out on the Uruguay Natural website or Facebook page.